
Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine is a natural compound made in the body and is derived from the diet through meat products. In the body, Creatine is changed into a molecule called phosphoCreatine which serves as a storage reservoir for regenerating ATPATP is the chemical source of energy for muscle contraction and quick energy. PhosphoCreatine is an important source of ATP energy in muscle tissue and studies suggest that Creatine may increase the performance of athletes in activities that require quick bursts of energy, such as sprinting and weight lifting.* Creatine supplementation combined with strength training has been suggested to cause improvements in muscle hypertrophy (size) and strength through cell volumization and increased protein synthesis.*

Creatine is by far, one of the best discoveries to ever hit the bodybuilding/fitness world. In the body, Creatine is changed into a molecule called phosphocreatine which serves as a storage reservoir for regenerating ATPATP is the chemical source of energy for muscle contraction and quick energy. PhosphoCreatine is an important source of ATP energy in muscle tissue and studies have shown that Creatine can increase the performance of athletes in activities that require quick bursts of energy, such as sprinting and weight lifting.

Creatine supplementation combined with strength training has been shown to cause dramatic improvements in muscle hypertrophy (size) and strength through cell volumization and increased protein synthesis. Cell volumization is an increase in muscle volume (size) caused when water follows Creatine into our muscles. Cell volumization can increase strength by increasing the amount of force a muscle can contract with. There is also research that indicates that cell volumization and Creatine supplementation can signal muscle cells to grow and increase protein synthesis, while preventing protein breakdown. This means that your muscle recovery time is diminished, while also better maintaining the gains you made during your workout.

Creatine monohydrate has proven effective in increasing muscle mass, strength, and all around athletic performance and long-term clinical studies have also shown that Creatine monohydrate is safe for use by people without medical conditions. However, Creatine supplements are only as effective as their transport system.

If you’re looking for simply the best in amino acid-based post-workout recovery products, then it’s time to include Creatine Monohydrate into your supplements regimen.


Quercetin is a powerful flavonoid (a compound that gives plants their bright coloration) that may provide several key benefits in the body.* It functions as an antioxidant to combat the cell-ravaging effects of free radicals, and may support a healthy prostate in men.*

One of the more direct benefits of quercetin is its purported effect on inhibiting aromatase enzymes.* Simply put – inhibition of aromatase may result in more testosterone production and less estrogen conversion.*


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